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tv   KTVU 6 O Clock News  FOX  March 9, 2013 6:00pm-6:30pm PST

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an aberration. i'm not worried about a shortage of organs. better not be. especially livers. good night, jack. [captioning sponsored by nbc and toyota. everyday belongs to you. make it count. toyota everyday. captioned by the caption center wgbh educational foundation] ( howling )
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ktvu channel 2 news at 5:00, complete bay area news coverage.
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ktvu channel 2 news, complete south bay news coverage. progress on the new bay bridge. the nine-hour job on work say the crews will last 150 years. >> scary. very, very scary. >> a man is shot and killed in a east bay. what neighbors are telling us about the victim. >> plus, the first of its kind event for one bay area county as hundreds of people trade their guns for cash. >> complete bay area news
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coverage starts right now. this is ktvu channel 2 news at 6:00. >> good evening, everyone, i'm heather holmes. >> and i'm ken wayne. we continue our coverage. here's a live view of the span where this morning, crews poured special concrete on to the section of the eastern deck. today's construction work marked a major milestone on the bridge. ktvu's tom was there as dozens of workers and more than 100 trucks finished up the big job. joins us live with more on the special materials that officials say that will last more than a century. tom. >> today, and in just one day, the final last part of the new eastern span of the bay bridge was installed. like giant yellow elephant trunks, truck after truck of super strong concrete, which will be the bay bridge's new
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eastern span. >> 136 trucks are transporting 1,220 cubic yards of concrete and the space they are filling in today is roughly 80 feet wide by about 1079 feet long. length, about three football fields. >> as strong as that concrete is, gives the bridge its superstrength is this, it can handle just about any size earthquake out of the san andreas. >> the strongest possible ground motions within a 1500 year period. >> as strong as this section is, because it is so long, it will have great flexibility. to deal with everything from burying traffic loads to changing temperatures, to great earthquakes. >> the concrete will set within 2 to 4 hours. but then it needs to cure for about a week. after it cures for a week, it will be strong for vehicles to travel over it. >> september 3 will be open
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for 150 years of business, also opening in what will be the year of bay area infrastructure, the slide and tunnels. reporting live, consumer editor, ktvu channel 2 news. more details now as we take another live look at the new eastern span of the bay bridge. caltran, that's a suspension side of the bay bridge. caltrans says crews have a lot to do before the new eastern span opens on september 3. that includes coating and painting the main cable, installing the rest of the lights and utilities, plus the final paving and allowing the bridge to absorb earthquake shocks. you can go to for more on the eastern span of the bay bridge, including information on the walk across the bridge on labor day. just click on the bay bridge project tab on the home page. >> in hayward, authorities are investigating a crash involving a stolen car that left a child injured. it happened at vallejo street
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just before 12:30 this afternoon. the highway patrol says the suspect was driving the stolen lexus when he rounded a corner too fast and hit a parked car. authorities say the driver, a passenger, and a child appeared to be limping ran from the scene. authorities are still looking for that driver tonight. a witness tells us the driver picked up the child from a nearby birthday party. an early morning chase ended with a crash. this one involving a police car. american canyon police say it started with a robbery. at the 24 hour wal-mart on main street around 4:30 this morning. 64-year-old robert craig claims to have a gun and took off with the television. the suspect clashed into police car and was taken into custody. the officers are okay. >> new information tonight in a homicide in unincorporated hayward early this morning. ann ruben heard the victim worked at local restaurants and may have been in an altercation while on the job.
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and -- >> while they aren't sure of a motive, authorities do not believe this shooting was random. they say the gunman had to make an effort to get to the camper and the man living there. it is tucked behind a home on princeton street. now, this small camper become a crime scene. the man renting it gunned down inside. this woman who lives in front asked that we not show her face, she is too afraid. >> we heard the shots, and she came in for help. >> i got really scared. but then i calmed down because i have to call 911. >> for the tenant, it was too late. he died at the hospital. the alameda county sheriff's department is not officially identified him, but he moved here from mexico and working two jobs at local restaurants. >> he had a fight with somebody, we don't know who they were. >> authorities are trying to figure out if any recent troubles might have factored
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into his death. right now they have lit toll go on. >> there's no suspects at this time. we are searching the area. we have a lot of businesses that are around here that have video capabilities. >> right after he yelled, it was about 3 to 5 shouts. >> then neighbors say they saw two cars speed away. >> one left this way, like a subaru, the other one came from this direction. >> residents say they want answers, but they are hard to come by. >> doesn't have parents, we don't know his family. there's no body to claim. >> neighbors say the man had lived in the camper for a few months last year, but had gone away. they say he just moved back eight days ago. ann ruben, ktvu channel 2 news. friends of a slained richmond man held a car wash fundraiser to help cover his
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funeral expenses. police say lincoln flair was washing a car for a family he often helped when he was shot to death on monday. relatives say player spent many hours volunteering at the park on 8th street in the iron triangle neighborhood. he helped make it safe for children. there have been no arrests in this case. hundreds of people lined up in vallejo for a gun buyback event. more than 300 rifles, assault weapons, handguns, even a rocket launcher were turned in. this is the first gun buy back event that was open to all of solano county. matt garcia, who was shot to death in 2008, said events like this are effective in reducing gun violence. >> we are never going to get our son back, matt garcia back. we can establish venues where people don't have to lose their sons. >> police handed out $100 gift cards for each weapon turned in. >> in his weekly address, president obama hailed the
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unemployment rate and ensure the economy keeps improving. >> our businesses have created jobs every month for three years straight. nearly 6.4 million new jobs in all. our manufactures are bringing jobs back to america. our stock market has rebounded. new homes are being built and sold at a faster pace. we need to do everything we can to keep that momentum going. >> the jobless rate of 7.7% is the lowest in five years. next week, the senate will take up the budget bill just passed by the house. it funds the government through september and keeps those sequester cuts. now to our continuing coverage of the selection of the new pope. vatican officials were busy today that is set to start next week. workers installed the chimney atop the sistine chapel, for which the puff of white or black smoke will appear, signifying whether a new pope will be elected. also today, the call of
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cardinals, including the priest sex abuse scandal. in venezuela this morning, the morning continues for the late president, hugo chavez as people wait in long lines to view his body. the lektorial council set april 14 for the presidential election to choose chavez's successor. the acting president is running as a ruling party candidate. chavez appointed him as his chosen successor before undergoing surgery for cancer that led to his death. former south african president is in the hospital tonight. the government played down the seriousness of mandela's hospitalization. you may remember last december, he was hospitalized for nearly three weeks where he was treated for a lung infection and gallstones. there are reports that the former president appears to be physically healthy, not mentally detached from his
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surroundings. they are saying they are sending a message. the group claiming responsibility for two suicide bombings during the new defense secretary's first trip to afghanistan. >> i went through the struggle, but here i am today. >> san francisco police and an oakland raider join the fight against bullying. how they are hoping to empower children. a very nice saturday across the entire bay area. here's our live camera looking outside. a few high clouds out there, coming up, the neighborhoods that will hit the low 70s and i'll let you know if we'll have any rain clouds in the forecast. >> why researchers weren't worried about the asteroid the size of a football headed our way today. ♪ roundup
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♪ i want a weed free season, that's how i roll ♪ ♪ so i reach for roundup extended control ♪ ♪ with the all-new, no pump, one-touch wand ♪ ♪ it kills weeds dead and keeps weeds gone ♪ [ whip cracks ] ♪ roundup extended control ♪ i just spray them weeds, then spray them cracks ♪ ♪ the weeds are gone, and they won't be back ♪ ♪ driveway, patio, i just spray once ♪ ♪ and it's adios weeds for up to four sweet months ♪ [ whip cracks ] ♪ roundup extended control [ male announcer ] roundup extended control ♪ yeha with the new one-touch wand. [ whip cracks ] more details are emerging
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about a fatal sailing accident that happened during a race last night in southern california. the coast guard says when a boat lost its steering, thinking the boat could make it safely. instead, it crashed into the rocks and the coast guard sent a helicopter to rescue those six sailors. one of them was pronounced dead and the others were hospitalized. the boat, uncontrollable urge was registered in san diego. a runway mishap at new york's jfk airport. a jet blue plane was sitting near a gate when an air india plane taxiing runed into it. passengers describe the impact as minor, no one was hurt. but the jet blue's rutter was damaged and those passengers had to wait a few hours before boarding another flight. a new york lawmaker is calling for an extensive review of newark's liberty airport. after got through two layers of security with a fake bomb hidden in his pants. the alleged incident happened
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late last month. both the meter and the patdown failed to detect the twice. the tsa did not confirm the news report. chuck hagel's first visit to afghanistan today as defense secretary, coincided with two suicide bomb attacks that killed at least 19 people. a bomber at a check point killed several children and an afghan policeman. minutes before, an explosion in the capitol of cobble killed ten. the taliban took responsibility for that attack, saying it was meant to send a message. >> hours after chuck hagel touched down on his first overseas trip as u.s. defense secretary, a suicide bomber struck outside the afghan ministry of defense in coble. according to police, the blast killed nine people and injured 14 others hagel was a safe distance away and he was in a briefing when he heard the boom. >> it's like we're in a war zone. i've been in war.
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you know, shouldn't be surprised when a bomb goes off. >> hagel, who is a vietnam vet says he's in afghanistan to think the truth. >> thanks for your service, guys. >> the airborne division and awarded two purple hearts. he also answered soldier's questions, some of which focused on budget cuts. >> i will do everything within my power to make sure the funding is there and the commitments we made to you are fulfilled. >> hagel wants to get a better understanding of the progress the u.s. is making in the war. >> we are going to continue to work with the afghans and our coalition partners to fight that war and to assure that the afghan people have every ability and right to develop their own country their own way in a democracy. >> a taliban spokesman claimed responsibility for saturday's attack in coble, saying they
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can strike when and where they please. officials say the defense secretary was not a direct target of the bombing. christina, ktvu channel 2 news. meantime, in egypt, two people were killed in violent protests there. they erupted after they upheld the death sentences against 21 people in taking part in that riot. the court acquitted seven police officials for their alleged role in the violence. 74 people died and another 1,000 were injured. back here at home, a park man is under arrest accused of attacking his roommate. that happened at an apartment near civic center just before 4:00 a.m. officer say they found a 22- year-old man suffering severe cuts to his face and legs. he was hospitalized, but police have not released his condition. 21-year-old kyle sorenson was arrested with asexual assault a deadly weapon. >> east of fresno where a lion
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fatally mauled an intern is going to open to the public tomorrow. a four-year-old male lion named couscous attacked a woman. the lion escaped his cage and got into the cleaning enclosure where hanson was talking on her cell phone. >> bay area youngsters got pointers on how to handle a bully and met an nfl player. >> san francisco police officer helped kids at the tenderloin boys and girls club with tactics on how to deal with bullies. the kids headed out to the park with pig skin drills with sam williams. >> to show the kids that hey, i was once a kid, i went through a struggle, but here i am today. >> officer says the program was started by his brother to build up youngster's strength and confidence. >> dozens of people headed to fremont to give the gift of
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life. this is the third annual blood drive in honor of fremont police officer, todd young. young was shot and wounded trying to arrest an attempted murder suspect back in 2010. after undergoing ten surgeries, which required massive transfusions, young recovered and is now back on the s.w.a.t. team. >> blood saves lives every day. it's crucial to be a blood donor. you can do as often as you can. >> today's event was held at the country and western club. more than 100 units of blood were collected. drivers near san francisco's ocean beach faced a detour today. a portion of the great highway was closed this afternoon near slope boulevard due to blowing sand. drivers were detoured to sunset boulevard that runs parallel to the great highway. the road was not closed, as you can see, to foot traffic. >> it is that time of year again, time to spring forward today light saving time. it doesn't start until 2:00 a.m. tomorrow, but most of us will set our clocks one hour ahead before we go to bed.
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get more daylight in the evening hours, but comes at a price for many. a study by the better slope council finds that 61% of people say losing that one hour of sleep affects them for up to a week. >> jet lag without leaving the house. and the sunset, beautiful sunset i'm looking at at the monitor, that we are looking at now, will be at 7:20 tomorrow night. >> tomorrow, yes. get ready. at least you'll have the longer evenings for a run or walk on the beach. get ready for the changes for tomorrow. the time change, and just a beautiful day for today. a few high clouds out there. mostly sunny skies and even a few spots approaching the lower 70s this afternoon. key headline over the next few days, a big warmup with our temperatures. in fact, here's a look at the highs from this afternoon. they range from the upper 50s at pacifica to right around 70 in fairfield and antioch. 72 degrees. on my storm tracker, a few high clouds moving into parts of northern california and the bay area. we are in the clear. with the clearing skies,
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temperatures already dropping off quite a bit. in fact, looking at some of the current numbers. santa rosa, 63. san jose 59. livermore currently reporting clear skies and a temperature of 60 degrees. forecast headlines for tonight, mostly clear and breezy. tomorrow, more sunshine. we'll continue to warm things up a bit and the extended forecast, a nice, warm pattern and no rain clouds on the five- day forecast and beyond. as far as overnight lows, first thing tomorrow morning, we're going to talk about the cold numbers. some areas near freezing in santa rosa, downtown san francisco mid 40s, and san jose, right around 40 degrees. our old system, remember this moved into the area on thursday, producing the cloud cover and some rain showers. this is way out to the east and dry weather pattern developing out here as high pressure continues to strengthen, pushing the storm track to our north. we started the warming trend and will continue for sunday, monday, and tuesday. by midweek, the warmest locations approaching the mid
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70s and the upper 70s. that's how warm it's going to be. a dry week ahead. our forecast models showing you 30s and 40s. a lot of 40s out there and 30s in some of the inland valleys. into the afternoon hours, a few upper 50s coast side, but warmest locations inland, that's a yellow contour range here toward santa rosa, fairfield, livermore, around 70 degrees. warmest locations as you can see around 72 to 73. your forecast highs for your sunday, it will be the warmer day of the weekend. santa rosa 73. pleasantton 70 degrees. san jose, a forecast high of 70. 68 in san francisco. the mid 60s. 65. look ahead, your five-day forecast with your weekend always in view. look what happens, no rain clouds here. in fact, the string of sunny symbols, sunday, monday, tuesday, a few high clouds by wednesday. heather and ken, the warmest day of the week will be wednesday.
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warmest location around 75 to 76 degrees and possibly a few neighborhoods could be inching closer to the 80-degree mark. that sounds strange to say, but it could be happening. >> thanks, mark. nasa says another large asteroid whizzed past earth this afternoon. the university of arizona discovered this rock six days ago. these images come from a space telescope. researchers say the asteroid is the size of a football field and its closest was 600,000 miles away. more than twice as far as the moon. there was no danger of it striking earth, like the one that landed in russia last month. give away today in san francisco that is helping girls get pretty for prom. >> plus, a wild fight that the world baseball classic. joe joins us next with what happened.
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when i take a picture of this check, it goes straight to the bank. oh. oh look the lion is out! no mommy no! don't worry honey, it only works on checks. deposit checks from your smartphone with chase quickdeposit. just snap a picture, hit send and done. take a step forward and chase what matters. transformed into a prom dress boutique today. look at the line there. the group, the princess project gave away free, nearly new prom dresses to any high school student who wanted one. the girls just had to show a valid high school id to get in. organizers said thousands of gowns to choose from in every
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size and color. >> always such a nice event. not so nice, the san jose sharks are playing right now. >> one step forward, one step back. the san jose sharks continued to step back in the western conference, st. louis blues in town for a saturday matinee. musical instruments, noise maker. they are on a power play. matt erwin lets one rip from the point. a two-goal lead. now it's 3-2 in the third. vladimir gets his first career hat trick. the blues scored twice. pulled from goal and replaced by alex, who was just called up from the minors in overtime. he couldn't stop a shot by barrett jackman that was redirected by patrick. the sharks get the one point for an overtime loss, but go down 4-3. san jose in the number sixth playoff spot in the west, but hanging on by just a single point. you might recognize the name at the top of the leader board after three rounds at
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doral, followed by woods. tiger took a two-stroke lead into today's proceedings and added to it by birdieing his first three holes. this is his approach on number two, you can't do it much better than this. tiger made the put. he was in front by five strokes. graham had an up and down round that saw him pull even for the lead on the sixth hole and fall back. rallied to the tail end of his round, getting this to fall for an eagle. but tiger shot a 67. he finishes his round in style with a birdied 18. lead over mcdowell is four strokes headed to tomorrow's final round. the score said the game was over, but the fact that a warning was necessary in the world baseball classic between canada and mexico tells you there was some emotion involved. when mexico hit rene, it was on. this game at chase field in phoenix, the bench is cleared, cruz was the guy wh


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